

中文 English 中文 English
原住民 Aborigines 不法藥物查緝 Illegal drug inspection
無障礙網頁 Accessibility web page 傳染病資訊區 Infectious disease information area
事故傷害 Accidents and adverse effects 傳染病防治教育訓練 Infectious disease prevention education
會計室 Accounting Office 感染症防治醫療網 Infectious disease prevention network
後天免疫缺乏症候群 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS 傳染病防治網絡 Infectious disease prevention network
活動看板 Activity board 流行性感冒 Influenza
急性無力肢體麻痺 Acute Flaccid Paralysis, AFP 新型流感專區 Influenza prevention special area
管理通報窗口 Administer notification windows 流行性感冒疫苗 Influenza vaccine
秘書室 Administrative Services Office 兒童整合性篩檢管理系統 Integrated children examine management system
銀髮族保健 Adult and senior health care 後勤整合支援系統 Integrated logistic support system
中老人日間照護中心 Adult day care center 整合性預防保健服務 Integrated preventive health care service
成人健康體位挑戰1824 Adult fitness targeting 1824 衛生局單一簽入與目錄服務系統整合建置計畫 Integration and construction project of single login and directory service ystem, Department of Health
中藥摻加西藥 Adulterant medicine in Chinese herbal medicine 日本腦炎 Japanese encephalitis
黑心中藥 Adulterated Chinese herbal medicine 從業人員 Jobholder
黑心化妝品 Adulterated cosmetics 青少年 Juvenile
黑心食品 Adulterated food 檢驗室 Laboratory
醫療不良事件通報系統 Adverse event reporting system 檢驗資訊系統 Laboratory Information System, LIS
疾病簡介 Affection introduction 用藥安全宣導 Lecture of drug safety
老化指數 Aging index 住院日 Length of stay
各類藥事人員 All kinds of pharmacists and assistants 白血病 Leukemia
救護車管理 Ambulance administration 零歲平均餘命 Life expectancy at birth
人工椎間盤手術 Artificial disc operation 肝癌 Liver cancer
稽查單管理系統 Audit list management system 長照中心 Long-term care center
禽流感(新型流行性感冒)防治 Avian influenza (bird flu) Control 肺癌 Lung cancer
生物科技臨床研究中心 Biotechnology clinical research center 局長信箱 Mailbox of Department's commissioner
血管攝影儀 Biplane angiography 瘧疾 Malaria
膀胱癌 Bladder cancer 惡性腫瘤 Malignant neoplasm
體重BMI計算 Body Mass Index, BMI computation 癌症(惡性腫瘤) Malignant neoplasm
疾病管制院區 Branch for Communicable Disease Control 乳房攝影 Mammography
乳癌 Breast cancer 婦幼衛生 Maternal and child health
母乳哺育 Breastfeeding 醫療廣告 Medical advertisement
母乳哺育專區 Breastfeeding area 醫政類 Medical affairs
支氣管炎.肺氣腫及氣喘 Bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma 醫護管理處 Medical Affairs Division
營業衛生管理系統 Business sanitation management system 醫學中心 Medical center
話務服務中心 Call service center 醫療諮詢專區 Medical consultation area
癌症篩檢 Cancer screening 醫療保健便民服務入口網站系統 Medical health care convenient entry service website system
心血管疾病 Cardiovascular diseases 醫事檢驗查檢文件 Medical inspection documents
死因 Causes of death 醫事證照 Medical license
腦血管疾病 Cerebrovascular disease 醫事管理系統 Medical management system
腦血管疾病 Cerebrovascular diseases 醫療網 Medical network
子宮頸癌 Cervical cancer 醫事人員 Medical personnel
子宮頸抹片檢查 Cervical smear examination 醫療資源 Medical resources
連鎖便利商店 Chain convenience stores 醫療院所 Medical service organization
廚師證書 Chef certification 醫療廢棄物線上填報系統 Medical waste online declaration system
水痘疫苗 Chicken pox vaccine 藥物 Medicine
兒童發展評估 Child development appraisal 藥物與化妝品 Medicine and cosmetic
發展遲緩兒鑑定醫院 Child Development Intervention Accredited Hospital 藥品檢驗 Medicine examine
兒童健康網 Child health care network 藥品檔案下載 Medicine files download
兒童保健 Children care 送藥到宅服務 Medicine home delivery service
慢性肝病及肝硬化 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 會議指示暨專案列管追辦系統 Meeting and project management system
慢性肝病及肝硬化 Chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis 更年期 Menopause
市民健康網 Citizen health website 心理衛生中心 Mental health center
診所 Clinic 精神衛生管理系統 Mental health management system
臨床技能中心 Clinical technology center 心理衛生相關網站 Mental health related website
大腸直腸癌 Colorectal cancer 毒品 Narcotics
結腸直腸癌 Colorectal cancer 自然增加率 Natural increase rate
推薦網站 Commended website 腎炎、腎徵候群及腎性病變 Nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome, and Nephrosis
局長介紹 Commissioner introduction 健康飲食新文化 New healthy dietary culture
傳染病防治 Communicable disease prevention and control 新移民 New immigrants
傳染病 Communicable diseases 新移民照護專區 New immigration care area
社區天使 Community angels 新聞公告 News announcement
社區健康關懷服務 Community health care services 新聞類 News classification
社區健康營造 Community health development 非何杰金淋巴癌 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
社區藥局用藥諮詢站 Community medical consultation 感控輔導 Nosocomial counseling
社區醫學訓練 Community medical training 醫院感染管制 Nosocomial infection control
社區藥局 Community pharmacies 護理機構 Nursing apparatus
社區復健中心 Community rehabilitation center 護理之家 Nursing home
先天性畸形 Congenital anomalies 護理機構登記 Nursing official register
消費者指南 Consumer guide 營養標示 Nutritional facts
消費者保護 Consumer protection 佔床率 Occupancy rate
接觸者追蹤 Contact tracking 職業衛生 Occupational health
合約醫療院所名冊 Contract institution register booklet 職業衛生管理系統 Occupational health management system
管制藥品 Controlled drugs 扶老比 Old age population dependency ratio
化粧品 Cosmetics 便民服務 One-stop customer service
縣市合作專區 County and City collaborative region 衛生局所網路便民服務計畫 Online convenient service program for citizens, Department of Health
粗出生率 Crude birth rate 網路掛號 Online registers
粗死亡率 Crude death rate 線上叫修系統 Online service system
電腦刀 Cyber knife 作業安全 Operational security
生活保健 Daily life health care 口腔癌 Oral cavity cancer
死亡率 Death rate 骨科中心 Orthopedics' center
登革熱 Dengue fever 卵巢癌 Ovary cancer
扶養比 Dependency ratio 宣導單張 Pamphlet
糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus 無線射頻病人辨識系統 Patient identification radio-monitor system
糖尿病共同照護 Diabetes mellitus common care 病人安全 Patient safety
糖尿病相關業務 Diabetic business 人事室 Personnel Office
糖尿病食譜 Diabetic cookbook 殘留農藥 Pesticide residues
餐飲業 Dining profession 藥政類 Pharmaceutical affairs
短程直接觀察治療法 Directly Observed Treatment Short-course, DOTS 藥政諮詢機構 Pharmaceutical affairs consultative apparatus
身心障礙 Disabled affairs 光子刀 Photon knife
災難醫療救護隊 Disaster Medical Assistance Team, DMAT 影像傳輸系統 Picture Archiving and Communication System, PACS
餐廳優惠資訊特刊 Discounted information of the restaurants 營業場所 Place of business
疾病管制類 Disease control 肺炎雙球菌疫苗 Pneumococcal vaccine
疾病衛教 Disease health education 肺炎 Pneumonia
防疫宣導團成果 Disease prevention education results 產後護理之家 Postpartum nursing home
疾病監測 Disease surveillance and investigation 實習園地 Practice field
疾病管制處 Division for Disease Control and Prevention 產前遺傳診斷 Prenatal genetic diagnosis
醫師支援報備 Doctors sustain backup 年貨觀光大街 Promenade and bazaar for new year festival
公文管理系統 Document management system 攝護腺癌 Prostate cancer
藥物濫用 Drug abuse 精神日間照護中心 Psychiatric day care center
用藥諮詢 Drug information consultation 精神專科醫院 Psychiatry hospital
藥物、化粧品和食品廣告監視 Drug, cosmetic, and food advertisement monitoring 精神醫療計畫精神醫療計畫 Psychiatry medicine project
藥物交互作用提示暨回應系統 Drug-drug reminder 精神醫療資源 Psychiatry resources
藥品包裝容器 Drugs packing vessel 康復之家 Recovery home
早期療育 Early intervention 區域醫院 Regional hospital
遲緩兒童早期療育 Early Intervention of children with development delay 復健治療中心 Rehabilitation center
整合性單一窗口 Easy-to-access single window 相關法規 Related legislation
公文電子交換系統 E-Document exchange system 仁愛院區 Renai Branch
電子學習中心 E-learning center 醫療院所醫事人員前往支援報備系統 Report system of supporting tasks for medical personnel of the medical institution
災難應變指揮中心 Emergency Operations Center, EOC 救護專區 Rescues the special area
網通便民服務入口網 E-Net convenient service website for citizense 癌症防治研究發展中心 Research and Development Center for Cancer Control and Prevention
腸病毒 Enterovirus 自殺防治研究發展中心 Research and development center for suicide control and prevention
腸病毒相關資訊 Enterovirus information 結核病防治研究發展中心 Research and development center for tuberculosis control and prevention
食道癌 Esophagus cancer 企劃處 Research and Planning Division
優生保健 Eugenic health care 傳染病防治研究發展中心 Research center for disease control and prevention
實證醫學 Evidence-based medicine 中醫藥研究發展中心 Research Development Center of Chinese Medicine
主管決策資訊系統 Executive Information System, EIS 沙門氏菌 Salmonella
糞便潛血檢查 Fecal Occult Blood Test, FOBT 衛生稽查 Sanitary inspection
女性乳癌 Female breast cancer 營業衛生 Sanitation of business
指紋刷卡差勤管理系統 Fingerprint identification and attendance management system 科室介紹 Section introduction
旗艦藥局 Flagship pharmacies 化粧品業者自主管理 Self-management of cosmetic stores
食品添加物 Food additives 衛生自主管理 Self-management of sanitation
食品、化妝品檢驗 Food and cosmetic testing 銀髮族保健網 Senior health care network
藥物食品管理處 Food and Drug Division 敗血症 Septicaemia
盒餐食品業衛生暨營養評鑑計畫 Food and lunch box industry of food sanitation and nutrition evaluation project 服務流程 Service procedure
食品相關諮詢事項 Food consultation 性比例 Sex ratio
食品資訊系統 Food information system 性病 Sexually-transmitted diseases, STD
食品標示 Food labeling 瘦身 Slim
食物中毒 Food poisoning 特殊病床 Special beds
食品中毒 Food poisoning 統計資訊管理系統 Statistics information management system
飲食衛生 Food sanitation 統計室 Statistics Office
食品衛生 Food sanitation 胃癌 Stomach cancer
食品衛生抽驗 Food sanitation inspection 所屬單位 Subordinate unit
食品類 Foods 自殺 Suicide
外籍勞工健康管理 Foreign labor health management 自殺暨高危險群通報 Suicide and high risk group notification
外籍看護工申請 Foreign personal care worker application 檢驗結果 Testing result
膽囊癌 Gallbladder cancer 簡易檢測試劑 The DIY R&D tester
一般病床 General beds 醫療與教育結合之早期療育模式 The model of early intervention that combines medical and educational system
食品良好衛生規範 Good Hygiene Practice, GHP 藥事人員執業 The practice of pharmacist
優良藥品製造標準 Good manufacturing practice, GMP 國家品質標章 The Standard of National Quality
政風室 Government Ethics Office 菸害防制 The tobacco hazards control
政府網路 Government network 全人工踝關節置換手術 Total ankle replacement surgery
懷舊團體治療 Group reminiscence therapy 全自動化檢驗作業系統 Total automatic laboratory system
諮詢專線 Guidance line 創傷中心 Trauma center
宣導影片 Guidance video 結核病 Tuberculosis
HACCP危害分析重要管制點(食品安全控制法) Hazard analysis critical control point 轉床率 Turn over rate
健康評估 Health appraisal 胃及十二指腸之潰瘍 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum
健康保健 Health care 疫苗 Vaccine
健康服務中心 Health center 預防接種 Vaccine-preventable disease control
健康俱樂部 Health club 志工服務 Volunteer services
老人健康檢查 Health examination for the elderly 水質 Water quality
衛生知識園區 Health knowledge scope 網站導覽 Website survey
健康促進醫院 Health promoting hospital 白皮書 White paper
健康管理處 Health Promotion Division 美白化妝品 Whitening cosmetics
健康篩檢 Health screen examination 職場 Workplace
衛生統計 Health statistics 世界衛生組織 World Health Organization, WHO
健康城市 Healthy city 扶幼比 Young age population dependency ratio
健康社區 Healthy community    
健康飲食 Healthy diet    
健康醫院 Healthy hospital    
健康盒餐 Healthy lunch boxes    
健康學園 Healthy preschool    
健康網站連結 Healthy website link    
心臟疾病 Heart diseases    
重金屬 Heavy metal    
肝炎 Hepatitis    
和平院區 Heping Branch    
高風險自動警示系統 High risk reminder system    
居家照護服務 Home care services    
家庭保健 Home health care    
臨終安寧緩和醫療 Hospice and palliative care    
安寧療護 Hospice care    
溫泉資訊專區 Hot spring information area    
家戶健康管理系統 Household health management system    
高血壓性疾病 Hypertensive diseases    


  • 發布日期:2024/05/06
  • 發布單位:基隆市衛生局企劃科
  • 最後更新時間: 2025/02/05
  • 點閱次數:4011